WHAT IS #familystrong Art Contest?
The purpose of the art exhibition is to spotlight National Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month throughout April. Agape Ranch showcases artwork that reflects the theme of #familystrong at the Art Center of Corpus Christi. Participants include students from grades K-12. Two awards are given in four grade ranges (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12). Furthermore, the exhibition provides a safe outlet for students, teachers, and families by encouraging communication on the subject. Any dialog about child abuse also empowers teachers to identify and report abuse.
Encourage students in grades K - 12 to participate in the art contest.
Be a part of #familystrong Awareness Day. More info to come in early 2019.
Visit the Art Center and view the created by the students in our community during the month of April.
During 2020, we had to cancel the Family Strong Art Exhibition at the Corpus Christi Art Center. However, we wanted to showcase the incredible work of the students who participated. You can view their artwork by clicking the button below.