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Dare to Ask a Question

Missions…. We often think mission work is done in foreign countries. Having just returned from a mission trip where two others and I lead a medical mission team of 25 into the jungles of Ecuador where some have never heard of the Gospel or had adequate medical care, I agree with its importance and significance. At the same time, we all can be on mission right where we are and it can start with a simple question.

Contender CrossFi Picture

“Hi there, I am organizing a back to school backpack and school supply drive at my gym, Contender CrossFit. Is this a need that you have?” Alexis Newton, a coach from Contender CrossFit, asked before school started. YES! And, that’s exactly what she did! The owners Ervin Martinez and David Harris supported Alexis and purchased the backpacks and Alexis asked their Contender CrossFit community to fill them with school supplies. This time, they not only worked together to gain bigger muscles, but they also worked to gain bigger hearts for the foster and orphaned children in our county and surrounding areas. Local child placing agencies were contacted and once the needs were identified, their efforts enabled us to distribute over 30 backpacks. What a great help for these families and the children who received them! Thank you Contender CrossFit for caring!!!

“I'm a team leader with Usborne Books & More now and my biggest motivator with this company is how they give the chance to stretch my giving even further! I was wondering if you guys are in need of any quality children's books?” Kerre Thorne, a team leader for Usborne Books & More, asked. YES!

Through the Cherish a Child Usborne Book Drive, so many of you gave generously! It was an online book drive and as people donated books, Agape Ranch’s tree was filled with color. It was so amazing to watch as our goal of 150 books was quickly surpassed and another tree was added! Thank you Kerre and all of you who participated!

Kim Lindell, a librarian at Yorktown Christian Academy, asked a similar question as she was gearing up for a Book Fair. YES! And, that’s exactly what they did. They raised brand new, high quality books, for foster and orphaned children in our community.

Through the Yorktown Christian Academy Book Fair, many books were collected. Here is one story from this Book Fair Drive. By the end of the school year, a second grade class saved up a lot of change and money in their mission jar. They knew they wanted to give the money toward missions and were praying throughout the year about how God was leading them. When this Book Fair came up, their teacher Mrs. Robertson told her students about Agape Ranch and asked them to pray about if God was leading them to give toward this Book Fair Drive. After prayer, the class took a vote and unanimously agreed this was the mission to which God was leading them to give.

Through the efforts of these two Book Drives, over 350 high quality books were collected for the children with whom Agape Ranch works. Thank you!!! Many of the books were given to the children who attended the AFCA Connection which is a festival for children who are wanting to be adopted and families who are wanting to adopt. Forever families are created every year through this event; and, every child who was looking for a forever family was given a gift of a book of their choice because of these two Book Drives. As Agape Ranch continues to work with our community’s children, we are able to give a gift of a high quality book to every child to call their own. Thank you for caring!!!

A simple question, “Is this a need?” can cause a ripple effect of blessings to so many people, in this case, for the children in our community who are in foster care and/or looking for forever families. Dare to ask a question and see what God will do through you. Dare to ask a question and see how your life can impact those around you.

Ephesians 3:20-21

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president of Liberia

The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them.

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